Saturday, March 11, 2017

Children's Guide to Lent and Easter

Here it is: Make Room, and it's not only beautifully illustrated but also clearly written and Kids who read this book are going to Know and they won't forget it. Author Laura Alary has a plan. She begins with what Lent and Easter are all about: how it tells the stories of Jesus, how we all are reminded of these stories in our families, churches, and friends, and how Jesus' stories might fit into our lives and theirs as we grow and remember what we are learning. Published by Paraclete Press, and illustrated by Ann Bovajian, it is a pleasure to read and think about how these stories might fit into kids' lives.

They begin with three about Jesus: Making Time, Space, Room and then about Holy Week. Readers will learn that Jesus is the Son of God, and what he did and why. Readers will be encouraged to "make time to be with God" during Lent. They will find that many people came to hear Jesus and to ask him questions, some expressing desire for healing. And in our own day, people are listening and hearing and growing into the kind of people Jesus wants them to be as we wait for the day when the Kingdom of God comes and Jesus is known as Lord of All.  He also taught the people how to pray what we call "The Lord's Prayer." He taught them to be kind to all, not just the ones they like, and to help those who need help.

Author Alary reminds us that when the 40 days of Lent come, usually in March or April, people tend to make their lives more simple. They are learning what the Lord wants them to do and they get ready for Holy Week, which comes at the end of the 40 days. The people who lived long ago, with God and his kings and prophets heard about the Kingdom of God and that they would live there with God some day.  Those people were reminded that they were once slaves in Egypt, but now they should remember how God saved them and what he wants them to do next. Now-a-days kids hear about Palm Sunday and Maundy Thursday and wonder what that's all about. They may hear about the Last Supper (Jesus with his disciples) and how he knelt down and washed their dusty feet,

Friday is the hardest day to read about and to know what happened to Jesus. He was mistreated and hanged on the Cross. Very painful to watch for those who loved him. But then, as he promised, after three days Jesus rose from the dead. Our Heavenly Father, God and the Holy Spirit prepared him for it. On a special day, called Easter, the people come to church to pray and to worship and to thank God together. The people call "Hallelujah," "Jesus is risen... the Lord is risen indeed." And God has "done A WONDERFUL thing." Thanks be to God! May many children read this book.

Lois Sibley,

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