Friday, December 9, 2016

Advent with Coloring and Music...

Here we are at Advent again! I took a peek at what I suggested for reading a good book during our last Advent, and it was Bud Holland's book of stories, called Advent Presence, from Morehouse Publishing.  We enjoyed Bud's stories as we began Advent, and learning more of the biblical stories and the people who lived through those times.

With this Advent, we have new possibilities to add to our preparations for the coming of the Lord. It may sound strange or funny to you, but a Coloring Book? Am I kidding you? No, because I am actually used to the idea of coloring books to relieve stress. I worked in a company that produced just-passed new laws for local, small-town officials. These books had to be perfect. Changing where a comma was could change the law and that thought was stressful. So if our boss saw we were upset and stressed, he would say, "Take a break, and do a page in the coloring book," (thanks, Bill) and it usually worked.

Today, there are new ideas and combinations of helpful materials to guide and teach us as we think over the biblical stories we know, or are learning. As we think about the angel speaking to Mary and saying, "Be not afraid." And Joseph, rethinking his plan about caring for and helping Mary with her news, and his being told by an angel to take her as his wife. Could that be real, he thought, and he decided "yes," it was real, and he began his plan for a new life.

In our minds, thinking of what happened, I'm sure we could use a 24-day Advent Coloring Calendar from Paraclete Publishing, and also two cds, one called Keeping Christmas: Beloved Carols and the Christmas Story; and for those who are interested in Gregorian Chant, they offer The Coming of Christ: A Celebration of Faith in His Name. I am impressed by the idea of doing this, especially putting the coloring together with the music as we remember the biblical stories. Try it! And see if it works for you!

---Lois Sibley, ireviewreligiousbks

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